Tailored AI for your
business workflows.

AI applications for cost reduction, time-savings and optimized processes


We develop customized AI solutions tailored to address your company’s challenges and goals.


Streamline repetitive tasks,and focus on what really matters. Save resources,  reduce operational expenses, and increase productivity.


We make AI usable for a smooth integrations into your daily business workflows.

What we do

We are experts in the whole data analysis pipeline from data collection to integration

Data collection, storage & annotation

We assist you in identifying the most relevant and valuable data sources within your organization to solve the problems that really make a difference. Our comprehensive data management solutions ensure efficient and secure collection, storage, and annotation of your valuable data assets. We follow best practices to maintain data integrity and accessibility throughout the entire lifecycle.

Data processing & AI implementation

We apply advanced preprocessing techniques to cleanse and transform your data, ensuring its quality and compatibility with AI models. We then leverage state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to train robust and accurate AI models tailored to your specific needs.

Integration of the AI into business workflows

We seamlessly integrate AI solutions into your existing business workflows, empowering your organization with intelligent automation and enhanced decision-making capabilities.

Visualization & Interpretation

We provide intuitive data visualizations and interactive dashboards that enable you to explore and understand your data at a glance. Our valuable insights and actionable recommendations help you unlock the full potential of your data.

Contact us! We will get back to you.


AI for laboratory analyses

Many processes in analysis lab can be supported by AI to save the time of skilled workers to the tasks that actually matter.

Object detection

Detect and highlight objects in microscopy images.

Object classification

Classify detected objects into categories.

Object counting

Count the occurences of objects, e.g. mold colonies in an image.

and many more

Contact us and we find a solution for your problem!


AI for healthcare processes

The healthcare system is overburdened and suffers from a shortage of skilled workers. Our AI solutions can help healthcare provides to optimize their processes and support their physicians or nurses in their daily routines.

Image recognition

AI can help the physicians to find abnormalities in CT or MRT scans.

Inventory prediction

Predict the future inventory to prevent over- and understocking

Risk prediction

Based on EHRs and other patient data, the risk for follow-up diseases can be estimated

Occupancy prediction

Predict the occupancy of beds or operating rooms for optimal planning

Contact us

We help you to find a solution for your specific processes.

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